Advanced Financial Analysis

  • Course Code

Advanced Financial Analysis

  • This course brings together important areas of financial management, planning and control, financial analysis, planning and control, setting & controlling. It will help business professionals plan more effectively for the future, use the financial techniques of planning and control, improve performance from the use of the tools of financial analysis and link planning and budgeting with costing and performance measurement.

Learning Outcomes

    • List and differentiate between the important components of basic financial statements
    • How reliable are available financial data, and how is uncertainty and risk likely to impact on the outcomes of decisions?
    • In economic and financial analysis what are the implications and relative importance of cash flow as distinct from accounting profit?
    • What limitations are inherent in financial data and the key financial statements, and how will these affect financial analysis?
    • How important are qualitative judgments in the context of decision-making?
    • Understand strategic planning and budgeting.
    • Learn how to build a comprehensive performance measurement system
    • Understand the importance of a well-defined costing and budgeting process
    • Understand cost behavior more accurately
    • Be able to perform and interpret variance analysis

Course Contents

    Introduction to advanced financial analysis:

    • Users of financial data
    • Content of the annual financial report 
    • Non-financial elements of the annual financial report and their importance 
    • Understanding the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement
    • Other comprehensive income components

    The Challenge of Financial Economic Decision-Making:

    • The practice of financial economic analysis
    • Corporate value and shareholder value
    • A dynamic perspective of business Benchmarking your own strategic position/competitor analysis
    • The agency problem and corporate governance
    • What information and data to use?
    • The nature of financial statements
    • The context of financial analysis and decision-making

    Assessment of Business Performance:

    • Ratio analysis and business performance
    • Management’s point of view
    • Ratios as a system – pyramids of ratios
    • Integration of financial performance analysis – the Dupont system
    • Predicting financial distress

    Projection of Financial Requirements:

    • Interrelationship of financial projections
    • Operating budgets
    • Standard costing and variance analysis
    • Cash forecasts and cash budgets
    • Sensitivity analysis
    • Operating leverage
    • Financial growth plans
    • Financial modelling

    Analysis of Investment Decisions:

    • Applying time-adjusted measures
    • Strategic perspective
    • EVA and NPV
    • Refinements of investment analysis
    • Equivalent annual cost (EAC)
    • Sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, simulation
    • Dealing with risk and changing circumstances

    Valuation and Business Performance:

    • Managing for shareholder value
    • Shareholder value creation in perspective
    • Evolution of value-based methodologies
    • Creating value in restructuring and combinations
    • Financial strategy in acquisitions
    • Business valuation

    Strategic and Financial Planning:

    • Financial vs. managerial accounting
    • Understanding what strategic planning is and why it is important
    • Mission; Vision; Strategy; Goals and Objectives
    • What is happening in your company?
    • Looking for the drivers of value creation
    • Examples and cases

    The Framework for Budgeting:

    • What is a budget - why create a budget?
    • The budgeting framework
    • Various types of budgets
    • The budgeting process and the human side of budgeting
    • Sales forecasting and budgeting schedules
    • Top down vs. bottom-up budget; incremental vs. zero-based

    Cost Analysis for Budgeting:

    • What is costing? Defining costs
    • Cost behavior – Fixed and variable
    • Breakeven models - The Equation Method
    • The contribution margin concept
    • Direct and indirect costs
    • Product vs. period costs
    • Case study and examples

Our Methodology

    • Make coaching and monitoring innovative and using modern
    • Media training also using on the go training by using interactive means and focusing on
    • The exercises, practical applications and real situations study
    • Live delivery method, instructor-led training
    • Experienced consultant, trainers, and professional
    • Qualified trainer with high-level experience

Attendance Reports

    • Send daily attendance reports to training departments
    • Send full attendance report to training dep. by the end of the course
    • Attend 100 % from the course days also provide daily
    • Issue attendance certificate for participant who attend minimum 80% from the course duration

Pre/Post Reports

    • Pre- assessment before starting training
    • Post assessment after finish training
    • Full report for the deferent between Pre-& Post assessment

Who Should Attend

    • Chief accountants, accounting managers
    • Senior accountants, finance directors, finance managers, financial analysts, financial controllers, financial accounts managers
    • Heads of finance departments, credit controllers, corporate financiers, credit risk analysts, bankers, and relationship managers
Date City Venue Language Price Status Register
13 Oct 17 Oct - 2024 Cairo 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
13 Oct 17 Oct - 2024 Dubai 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
20 Oct 24 Oct - 2024 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
03 Nov 07 Nov - 2024 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
08 Dec 12 Dec - 2024 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
19 Jan 23 Jan - 2025 Al Khobar 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
09 Feb 13 Feb - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
13 Apr 17 Apr - 2025 Cairo 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
13 Apr 17 Apr - 2025 Dubai 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
20 Apr 24 Apr - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
04 May 08 May - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
11 May 15 May - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
01 Jun 05 Jun - 2025 Cairo 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
01 Jun 05 Jun - 2025 Dubai 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
13 Jul 17 Jul - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
24 Aug 28 Aug - 2025 Cairo 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
24 Aug 28 Aug - 2025 Dubai 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
07 Sep 11 Sep - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
21 Sep 25 Sep - 2025 Al Khobar 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
12 Oct 16 Oct - 2025 Cairo 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
12 Oct 16 Oct - 2025 Dubai 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12600 Planned Register
19 Oct 23 Oct - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
02 Nov 06 Nov - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register
07 Dec 11 Dec - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 9000 Planned Register