Policies for Discounts & Sales Promotions

  • We offer individual discounts on all courses for people who are self-sponsored and make their payment in full and upfront at the time of registration.
  • We offer group and corporate discounts on selected courses. These discounts are available for clients who want to maximize their return on investment.

(3) + (1) Free Offer:

  • For corporate accounts that want to maximize the return on their investment in training: Register (4) participants on the same course and same dates and pay only for (3) participants.

Pay Before Two Months from Course Start Date & Get (5%) Discount:

  • For individuals and corporate accounts, pay before at least two months from course start date and get (5%) discount from the last total Invoice.

Pay Online & Get (5%) Discount:

  • For individuals and corporate accounts, pay online through our website before course start date and get extra (5%) discount from the last total Invoice.
  • Nominations to our public courses are to be processed by the client’s HR and Training department except for self-nominations which are to be paid in advance using the “payment by self” option on the online registration form.


  • A refund will be issued back to the corporate and individual client in the event of course cancellation or seat unavailability. Registration confirmation is subject to Skill Makers For Training Institute review of registration request and seat availability.
  • If a confirmed registration is cancelled less than (5) calendar days prior to the course start date, a substitute participant may be nominated to attend the same course, or a (50%) cancellation charge is applied, (100%) cancellation fee will be charged in case the participant is a no-show.
  • Skill Makers For Training actively believes in continuous improvement of our services and our employees. To this effect, Skill Makers For Training welcomes feedback related to its people, products or processes. If you have comments or suggestions which will ultimately help us improve in any way, please write to us on feedback@skillmakers.edu.sa and we commit to respond to you within (3) business days.
  1. Before registering on a scheduled public course, a client can request a special quotation which reflects the fees for said registration.
  2. Upon deciding to register on a course, clients can submit to Skill Makers a purchase order (PO) for all registration(s) which reflects the fees mentioned in our quotation, emailed proposal or emailed approval.
  3. For clients who wish to proceed with a payment in advance, invoice will be issuing directly after submitting all registrations and will sent it as a (PDF) file through email, for original invoice request, clients send official email request with full company or organizations address including (Postal Code #).
  4. Tax invoices can only be issued after the completion of a course, whether public or in-house. Such invoices can be issued for one participant or for a group of participants (who attended the same course on the same dates).
  5. The currency on the tax invoice will be in Saudi Riyal only (SAR).
  6. Once issued, a tax invoice will not be subject to any type of change, discount or negotiation.
  7. A statement of due invoices will be sent to the clients on their due date.
  8. Tax invoices issued by Skill Makers For Training are governed by the VAT laws in Saudi Arabia.
  • Upon a client’s request, Skill Makers Institute may offer a credit facility of (30) calendar days for the payment of due invoices. Skill Makers Institute reserves the right to approve or decline such a request only after financial department approval.

  • Client with a credit facility must pay their due invoices within (30) calendar days from the invoices date of issue. Delaying payment for more than (30) calendar days will lead to a withdrawal of the credit facility or to other measures.
  • Paid Cash
  • Payment through approved and certified bank cheque to the beneficiary (معهد صناع المهارات للتدريب) or (Skill Makers For Training Institute).
  • Credit card (Mastercard or Visa), Apple Pay & STC Pay - Online Payment from Skill Makers Website.
  • Wire transfer to the bank (IBAN) details stated on the invoice.
  • Payment of such invoices must be paid in full (excluding bank charges and it will be paid by client) as per the tax invoice details.
  • Clients who do not have a credit facility with Skill Makers Institute must settle their due invoices in advance or before (15) days from course start date at the latest.
  • To correctly allocate payments against invoices serial numbers, clients must mention the invoices serial numbers in the bank transfer advice or ensure sending payment details (list of the invoices paid).
  • Skill Makers For Training Institute reserves the right to cancel a training course, or change its name, location or facilitator, up to (10) working days before the start date of the course. If a listed course is cancelled by Skill Makers Institute, participants registered on the cancelled course will be entitled to a full refund of the amount they paid to Skill Makers For Training Institute towards the cancelled course after deducting the transfer commissions by the client's bank and Skill Makers For Training Institute bank.
  • In such cases, Skill Makers For Training Institute will not be responsible or liable for money paid from participants towards other course expenses such as travel, hotel bookings, agency fees or cancellation penalties.
  • Clients who are unable to attend a course they are registered on must inform Skill Makers For Training Institute of their inability to attend in writing through email or fax at least (10) working days prior to the course's start date. Failing to do so will subject the client to a no-show fee equal to (30%) of the course’s listed fees.

  • If the registration is cancelled on time, clients will be entitled to a refund for the amount they paid to Skill Makers For Training Institute towards the course minus any bank charges paid by Skill Makers For Training Institute. Alternatively, clients can choose to keep the amount paid as credit in their account with Skill Makers For Training Institute. In such a case, the clients must inform Skill Makers For Training Institute in writing through email or fax about how to use the credit for new registrations or paid pending invoice to close it.
  • In case of cancellation of the course or cancellation of registration according to the above policies, refunds will be done within one week, using the same method the client used for payment (cash, credit card or bank transfer).
  • Bank Name: Saudi National Bank
  • Account Name: Skill Makers For Training Institute
  • Account Number:  01400016729705
  • IBAN #:  SA8510000001400016729705
  • Swift Code: NCBKSAJE
  • Branch:   057
  • Bank Address:  Hofuf, Al Ahsa
  • City:  AlAhsa
  • Country:  Saudi Arabia