Big Data Engineering, Data Science, Analytics & AI Applications in Practice Workshop

  • Course Code

Big Data Engineering, Data Science, Analytics & AI Applications in Practice Workshop

  • A practical hands-on jump-start in adopting real-life solutions using Big Data, Data Science, Analytics and AI Applications toward Data-Driven Digital Transformation of Organizations. The workshop starts with introducing the practice itself ensuring deep understanding technically and business-wise by removing ambiguity of such emerging domain. Trainees will apply knowledge and skills to a course project that goes alongside the topics to empower design thinking and implementation skills.
  • The workshop then introduced the trainees to how those emerging technologies, platforms and solutions are implemented in projects by demonstrating the lifecycle as well as common tasks carried out during each phase. The data science methods and techniques is contrasted by use cases explaining the relation between statistical modeling, machine learning and data mining. More solid understanding of Data-Driven AI-Enabled models are discussed to link those techniques by example.
  • Upon building solid understanding of Data Science Models, the discussion proceeds to implementing those models into Analytics and AI Applications to process Big Data both structured and unstructured. Several Big Data technologies are introduced with uses cases, patterns and examples. The course concludes by discussing how to make the last steps to finalize, operationalize and present your solution including planning Agile implementation to roll out to production.

Learning Outcomes


Course Contents

    Introduction: Big Data Analytics and AI Architecture, Practices and Use Cases:

    • Big Data: Practical Technical Overview
    • Attributes of Big Data solutions
    • Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Models
    • Digital Transformation and Internet of Things (IoT)
    • State of the Practice in Analytics
    • Big Data Analytics in Industry Verticals: Use Cases
    • Architectural Aspects of Real-life Solution
    • Project Introduction
    • Lab Practices

    Lifecycle and Implementation in Practice:

    • Introductions to Lean Agile and DevOps
    • Data Analytics Lifecycle 
    • Discovery
    • Data Preparation
    • Model Planning
    • Model Building
    • Communicating Results
    • Operationalizing
    • Project Reflection
    • Lab Practices

    Data Science and AI Methods:

    • Introduction to Data Modeling 
    • Tools: R/R Studio – Python – Other Tools
    • Types of Learning (Supervised – Unsupervised – Reinforcement)
    • Statistical Modeling and Visualizing the Data
    • Clustering & Association Rules
    • Regression Methods
    • Classification Methods
    • Recommenders
    • Markov Decision Processes
    • Text Mining and NLP
    • Deep Learning and Neural Nets
    • Project Reflection
    • Lab Practices

    Big Data Platforms and Technologies:

    • Challenges of Big Data: Structured, Unstructured and Streams
    • The Massively Parallel Processing Concepts
    • NoSQL Data Management Platforms
    • Hadoop HDFS and YARN
    • Data Ingestion and Ingestion Technologies
    • Working with Hive and HBase
    • Processing with Spark, Mllib and Spark Streaming
    • Processing Stream using Flink
    • Greenplum and MADLib
    • Deploying Real-Time Analytics and AI Models on Big Data Platforms
    • Project Reflection
    • Lab Practices

    Consulting and Solution Delivery:

    • Architecting Data-Driven AI Applications and SW Engineering
    • Cloud-Native Engineering: Microservices, Containers, CI and DevOps
    • Cloud-Based Architecture: AWS, Google, Azure and Others
    • Operationalizing Analytics and AI Solutions
    • Building End-To-End Projects using Big Data and AI Models
    • Applications Development Lifecycle and Creating Final Deliverables
    • Project Reflection and Finalization
    • Lab Practices

Our Methodology

    • Make coaching and monitoring innovative and using modern
    • Media training also using on the go training by using interactive means and focusing on
    • The exercises, practical applications and real situations study
    • Live delivery method, instructor-led training
    • Experienced consultant, trainers, and professional
    • Qualified trainer with high-level experience

Attendance Reports

    • Send daily attendance reports to training departments
    • Send full attendance report to training dep. by the end of the course
    • Attend 100 % from the course days also provide daily
    • Issue attendance certificate for participant who attend minimum 80% from the course duration

Pre/Post Reports

    • Pre- assessment before starting training
    • Post assessment after finish training
    • Full report for the deferent between Pre-& Post assessment

Who Should Attend

    • Technical Leaders 
    • Beginners to Intermediate
Date City Venue Language Price Status Register
15 Dec 19 Dec - 2024 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12000 Planned Register
02 Feb 06 Feb - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12000 Planned Register
25 May 29 May - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12000 Planned Register
01 Jun 05 Jun - 2025 Cairo 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 14850 Planned Register
01 Jun 05 Jun - 2025 Dubai 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 14850 Planned Register
13 Jul 17 Jul - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12000 Planned Register
20 Jul 24 Jul - 2025 Dubai 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 14850 Planned Register
20 Jul 24 Jul - 2025 Cairo 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 14850 Planned Register
07 Sep 11 Sep - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12000 Planned Register
14 Dec 18 Dec - 2025 Riyadh 5 Stars Hotel English SAR 12000 Planned Register